SwaDarshana Therapies
Home Makers

Home Makers are World Makers

“And I would like to thank my mother. Because of her, I am what I am today.”, are the words we all
hear from celebrities as they accept greatly honourable awards on international stages. Without
much context, we all understand the depth of meaning this sentence holds. Why is that?
Because we all realize the importance of a mother in the life of each child, at every stage. Mothers
are the first one to get happy for their children’s success and the first one to help when they fall.

“Behind every successful man is a woman.”, a statement we all know too well. We’ve heard it from
great businessmen and world leaders alike. This woman has held her partner’s hand through thick and thin. This woman has motivated and inspired her husband to keep relenting, growing, and
walking their chosen path with courage and strength.

Both of these roles are often played by homemakers. Today, India is filled with such great
homemakers, who have become the stepping stone to their husband’s, children’s, and even
grandchildren’s success.

Many homemakers don’t even realize the nos. of lives they touch and influence on a day-to-day
basis, apart from their own families. We often forget that a few words can be life changing. And yet,
these women work hard to provide cleaner homes, tastier food, and a warm heart to their families,
virtually supporting their physical, mental, and emotional well being necessary for functioning in a
competitive environment.

However, these roles have often gone unrecognized, unacknowledged, and unrewarded. Today, the
Swadarshana team wants to take a moment and recognize these home makers as ‘World Makers’!
Why? Because, if these women didn’t do what they’re doing, we probably might not have an ‘Elon
Musk’ or a ‘Mahatma Gandhi’. These women influence and shape young minds like the potter does a
pottery design.

These World Makers deserve a high degree of credit for the success of many famous individuals we
hear about today. These World Makers work behind the scenes, in darker corners of the stage,
under the ‘parda’ of their family’s much louder success stories. Swadarshana sees you ladies.
In an effort to provide a platform for better mental health care and management, Swadarshana has

launched a daily meditation batch for these brilliant homemakers so that they are well-equipped to
do what they do best: passionately support to their ambitious daughters and career-oriented
husbands, make their sons smile with the yummiest food and have their handkerchiefs ready for
their snotty grandchildren.

These meditations are centred around not only overall mental health and well being but also around
building newer, better-serving belief systems. This way, along with the world, home makers can be
there for themselves as well. This way, along with the world, home makers can grow as well. And
this way, home makers can assist in building a better world as well!


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